"Stairs Appear in a Hole Outside of Town"--Comic Book--Paper Copy--Like Twilight Zone episodes.
$2.50 / On Sale
New! Graphic Poetry. Fun Stuff! Like little Twilight Zone episodes. Enjoyed by people who normally don't like poetry.
“I’m not very good with poetry but I liked this one.” Pete Bevan, project manager & zombie writer, Worcester, UK
Illustrated by Marvel Comics legend Bob Hall, Nate Hamel, Julian Peters, Mike Lawlor, and Margo & Sophie Johnson.
Published in Rattle, Strange Horizons, Ted Kooser's newspaper column, "American Life in Poetry," as well as at The Poetry Foundation.
“One of my favorite poems that we've ever published… one of many stunning, surreal poems bridging the worlds of poetry and comics.” Timothy Green, editor of Rattle
“Intriguing, delicate terror.” Kenny Williams, professional pet-and-house-sitter, Richmond, Virginia
24 pages + cover. Full color (2 of the artists choose b&w). Printed on good quality, glossy paper. Saddle-stitched. Bagged and boarded. Signed by author.
Now On sale for only $2.50! (Normally $4.99)
Shipping only $3.49, any quantity. (US only)
(International shipping: One copy to Canada $8.50, Everywhere Else $11.99. Too high? Just buy a digital copy, a panel-by-panel mobi file or a pdf, and get free shipping. Digital copy on sale at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Stairs-Appear-Hole-Outside-Town-ebook/dp/B00V4FY4T8.)
Free sample at: http://www.rattle.com/poetry/tag/graphic-poetry/
More praise from regular people, previously unknown by the author or artists prior to publication:
“I read Bones and Shadows. I must say, your work speaks to an uncatered to segment of poetry fans. It's the first thing I've read in a long time that I thought was really brilliant. You don't need to accept my friend request, just know that your work is appreciated. I'll be looking for more!”
Rich Powell, Seattle Seahawks fan, Las Vegas, Nevada.
“This is one of my all-time favorite poems. Scarred me for life.”
Julie Price, English teacher, University Of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
“What a treat!”
Donna Hilbert, self-employed, Northridge, California
“Pretty awesome merging of poetry and graphics.”
Kathleen Nalley Moore, English teacher, Clemson University, South Carolina
Laura M Kaminski, associate editor, near Annapolis, Missouri
“Wow, really cool…”
Jill K., student, somewhere in America